OMIX [ 809464 ] Jeep Wiring Harness, with Small Speedometer, without Turn Signals, fits 1953-56 Jeep CJ-3BZoom

OMIX [ 809464 ] Jeep Wiring Harness, with Small Speedometer, without Turn Signals, fits 1953-56 Jeep CJ-3B

Item# 809464
Jeep wiring harness, with early small speedometer, (without turn signals) cloth wire, fits 1953-56 Jeep CJ-3B

Restoring an old Jeep? If so, the wiring is probably old and brittle. Or someone before you "modified" it to add accessories. No one like electrical mysteries. Omix-ADA offers new replacement wiring harnesses designed specifically for your Jeep. Solve several potential headaches with a new wiring harness.
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